My Interest In Spiritual Energy has been reinforced by many experiences. Many aquaintances of the years have thought of me as odd for meditation and talk of energy. Lately I have felt vindicated by my passion since scientist have called this ‘quantum physics’ and rejuvenated an ancient practise.
I bring this up to emphasize that the intention you put into construction has an impact on its power. As you put it in place you are manifesting a new creation. It is important to be in the best mood possible. Fill yourself full of excitement. This is a high vibration area and you want to have it that way right from the start.
North – prayer and abundance is symbolized by Buffalo. With experience and age we gain wisdom. North is purity and wisdom, a great place of healing. This reminds us to stop and listen.
The buffalo was the primary source of survival during the winter time for people. Every part of the buffalo was used. My design depicts the buffalo with inverted hooves indicating that it has offered itself up for the good of the many.
Buffalo medicine is a reminder that you achieve nothing without the aid of the Great Spirit and that you must be humble enough to ask for that assistance and then be grateful for what you receive.
We rise from childhood into being an adult. Our Passion and Curiosity for Life resides in the South of the
Medicine Wheel.
Opening to the world as a flower bud the Porcupine stone represents the Inner Child. Innocence , humility and playfulness. Porcupine is a powerful medicine: the power of faith and trust. The Flower buds are the quills -only used when trust has been broken between Porcupine and another creature. With wide eyes this creature notices and examines everything with curiosity and an openness to explore the world.
Porcupine is a gentle, loving creature, and non aggressive. Honour the child within and the wonder of life and the appreciation of each new day as an adventure of discovery. Open your heart to those things that gave you joy as a child.

Bear represents the setting sun – twilight. The daylight fades and brings a new awareness in this time of gradual change. Bear is represented in the West because the Bear goes within and hibernates to renews itself. When the darkness comes we must look inward to find the light and have courage.
This is the emotional part of ourselves, like the flowing water we must learn to go with the flow of life. In the West we learn that we are responsible to all things and to each other. It is the time to prepare, to finish things for Winter is coming. We gather ourselves and family, working together to prepare for what is to come. As the centre of emotions it is the place of family and love.
My design of Bear depicts the sun above the third eye. This represents the pineal gland which sits in the centre of the four lobes of the brain.

Seize the Day , ‘CARPE DIEM’
Beginnings start in the east – from where the sun rises we begin a new day. Each day is a good new day with a fresh beginning, a new start.
“This is a wonderful Day ! I haven’t seen this one before!” – Maya Angelou
East is the direction of the physical body and newness including children and new born. It is the time of change for all is a new beginning. New ideas and seeing the light. The sun rising in the east empowers each of us. The energy to do and to begin the action of the mind and heart is there. Eagle represents great power and Divine Energy. My depiction of Eagle shows wings spread while seizing the sun as it rises in the East . Grab the sun as it rises and be conscious of its’ power in your day. Take every opportunity and touch the sky. Eagle teaches you to broaden your senses of self beyond the horizon of what is presently visible. Eagle reminds you of the freedom and openness of the sky.